CIP (Cleaning in Place)
Cleaning in place (CIP) is a validated automatic cleaning process for production units.Our production freeze dryer systems enable optional cleaning processes due to the special design with the ice condenser below the drying chamber, which allows the CIP piping and nozzles to be positioned optimally.
The CIP process can be adjusted in the LPCplus process visualaistion system very flexible by the operator according to the process requirements.
The cleaning of the ice condenser and drying chambers and the shelves is verified by a riboflavin test.
SIP (Sterilization in Place)
The purpose of the sterilisation process is to sterilise the drying and ice condenser chambers, including all chamber fixtures and piping systems of the freeze dryer that come in contact with the product.
This requires sterile steam, which is provided by the user or plant operator.
The course of the actual sterilisation process can be adapted to specific customer needs, and it is controlled and documented by the LPCplus control software.